Google assistant on mobile

my project works on laptop but shows no results on google assistant app on android mobile???

@chaitralee99 You have to check the aap name you have saved in google test console, because that’s the main way to interact with google. Check it, according to that name u have to say to google "talk to my app_name "

I did it but it shows something else
Do we have to carryout the dialogflow process on mobile as well??

okay thankyou my app just worked thanku :slight_smile:

@chaitralee99 have u changed app name?

How did you rectify it… because I too have the same problem for weather and telegram app…please

Hi @nandhiniv2605 @chaitralee99

Could you please share a screen-recording for my reference? I shall be better able to pin point the issue in that case.

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@nandhiniv2605 I would need the screen-recording of the Uploading to google process. I cannot pin point anything with the recording you shared.

Sorry sir ,I didn’t get what you asked.

@nandhiniv2605 Not an issue. I just figured what the issue is thanks to this post: Weather App Google Assistant issue

Go through it and it should solve your problem. Let me know once you try this out.

Thank you sir for your help ,but now also in Google assistant it left the conversation once the city name is given by the user.

In telegram app, after every execution in action console ,Google assistant the post is not forwarded to telegram directly… It’s forwarded only when “run once” is given in integromat everytime