Doubts regarding the submission of the projects

@ashwin.salgaocar Sir
As per the instructions given in the course for the certification exam, there will be five links for the project. I had a doubt that are those five links for just our personal project or are the links separate for each of the projects including telegram app, weather app, evernote app, to-do list app and personal project? Also if there is one link of submission for each project, how are we expected to upload/share the screenshots of Voiceflow design tab/Integromat? Do we have to upload a combined (i.e. a single) video showing the test of a particular project on Google Actions Simulator and Google Assistant? I had this doubt because I have recorded the test videos of Google Actions Simulator and Google Assistant separately for each project.

Please reply soon.

@ashwani_prasad see amidst test there are 27 questions and indeed 22 are MCQ based and rest 5 are the project links (just create 5 files in your google Drive, in each folder u must have three files i.e., first is the screen captured video from your laptop showing the google action simulator response, second is the screenshot of the voiceflow canvas showing the structures of your project, and third is the video of the google assistant that’s it) included as question but it’s just links(the public link of each particular project u have uploaded in google Drive)of all the five project mentioned in guidelines.