Evernote app not running on Google Action Console

Sir I’m Getting this kind of error while running Evernote App. What should I do sir?


@suswagh28 We have noted your query Please allow us some time to resolve your issue. We have reported this concern to the concerned team. We will update you here with a suitable solution.

Sir As you know that On Voiceapps, You can only have 2 Ongoing Projects at a time…
And I already have EVERNOTE app and TELEGRAM app in it because your team haven’t found any solution to my queries about those apps. Because of that I can’t go ahead in my learning process. I’m stuck at 79% completion and I must complete this course before 25 FEB 2022 because sir I’m preparing for competitive exam, So I don’t really have privilege of slowing down my learning process.

@suswagh28 To better help you with your issue, I will schedule a screen-sharing session with our team. Could you please share relevant timings for the same? I will create a meeting link based on your preferences.

From 10AM to 6PM on 10th February.

@suswagh28 Thanks for the info. I shall confirm a slot and will let you know the meeting details.

@suswagh28 We will be having the screen-sharing session at 10 AM Tomorrow(10 Feb). Please join sharply at 10 AM. I shall share the meeting link here tomorrow.

@suswagh28 Since you were not available on call. I have rescheduled your meeting to 2 PM today. Please join at the above-mentioned time.

its saying THIS MEETING IS INVALID. Are you going to send me new meet link?

@suswagh28 Please join https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84723570464?pwd=cGJxcWxFRkswMk8rbHQ2ZS9jZzg3Zz09

sir how to post video on FORUM?

@suswagh28 You could share the drive link of the video.


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This type of error could occur due to capture block. I was facing the same issue.
The new capture block in voiceflow provides a dropdown where you could select enter user reply and then select the variable to take that value in. Trying this solved my issue.
Another point is to correctly select the note name in evernote in integromat.
Hope this helps.

@shobhit.kumawat @ashwin.salgaocar plss look here… how i use “chat” and “note” in capture in updated version. Please suggest me.

Hi @sakshipatidar7,

I am unable to understand your query. Can you please state it clearly?

If you are talking about capture block then it is absolutely fine. It should be as shown below

As per vedio tutorial, this is correct or not?? There is chat and {note} in Capture block but here is updated voiceflow so some changes are showing in updated version of voice flow that is diffrent. So i want to ask how to use chat and note in updated version. Plss tell me the process for it.
@shobhit.kumawat @ashwin.salgaocar

@shobhit.kumawat @ashwin.salgaocar

Here "{sys.any}to {note} "are showing but in mine project (ie of updated version) there is " user reply to {note}. So is there any diffrence bw it?

And integromat is working properly and and after sending request for note is also showing in evernote app. But if i trying this on google assistant it works properly till last but note are not showing in evernote after google assistant. Please help.

@sakshipatidar7 It is correct and absolutely fine.

There is no difference in it. It is just that the UI of voiceflow has changed.

If your project is working on the voiceflow prototype tab then it is perfectly fine. In the google actions simulator it sometimes dumbs some code and gives earcon icon. You can try running it in google assistant of your phone. There is no problem in your voiceapp.