I am facing a problem in connect to google


Hi All,

I have made the Voiceflow team aware of this issue and they have been working on the issue ever since. This according to their team is a known bug which they’re fixing after this past weekend’s large data migration.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We will let you know when it is fixed.

can u please tell if this issue got solved ? i am facing same one!

No it is not solved.

@aditi.kajale @kt1382000 only the way to cope up from this problem is to use new google account for voiceflow. So create new one.

Iam facing problem in connect to google
Can you help me out of this problem as possible as

When I it will be fix
Iam also getting same problem in connect to google

Hi @yousufmama111,
There is no ongoing issue regarding this. This seems to be a very peculiar case. I was not able to replicate this issue on my end. However, I have asked the voiceflow team to look into this. I Will let you know once they let me know of any fix or why this issue happens.

when iam clicking upload to google it’s showing me like this after following this step also iam not able to upload what can I do @ashwin.salgaocar

when iam clicking upload to google it’s showing me like this after following this step also iam not able to upload what can I do @ashwin.salgaocar sir please help me out from this issue

@yousufmama111 just go to the Google and type “google action console” And then click and create a new project in action console and then get back to the voiceflow canvas and refresh it and then it will work, once try this and also let ne know that is it worked or not!

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it’s not working again my getting same error after applying all our instructions

I also follow the step whic is showing on screen but still it’s not working for me I don’t know why can you let me now please as possible as @subham3140 @ashwin.salgaocar

Hi @yousufmama111, Click on Create Actions Project and it will redirect you to the Google Actions console where you follow the steps to create the project on it.

After creating project on actions iam unable to test my project plz check this once

after clicking on action console it’s showing me like this @subham3140 @ashwin.salgaocar

@yousufmama111, Major possible reason for this error is the mismatch in accounts on Voiceflow and google Actions. Do check if that is the case and make sure you are using the same accounts in both places.

Sir i have a prblm of google action… I have complete all flow of diagram it’s work properly on prototype but when I connect to google, in google action it doesn’t show .