Project-1 jokes app in python


Please reply in the same post instead of creating multiple queries. It is much easier for us to track it that way. Can you share your contact number via which I can share a screen recording session for you. Let me know if tomorrow at 10:30 AM is good for you.

Yes it will very useful for me. Thank you sir

My contact number 7415212655 make it session at 11.30

Hi @p.t1999.tiwari

Apologies for missing out on this. I will share the meeting details for 11:30 am on Monday. Do let me know if that is fine.

Not Monday if it’s possible take on Tuesday. I’m having exam on Monday

@p.t1999.tiwari Noted. I will share the details of the screen-sharing session as an SMS. Please block the time of 11:30 AM on 23rd March 2021.