Project 12: Setting up a network between host and virtual machine

Hello @ashwin.salgaocar,

As we have to create a link between our host machine and virtual machine to access the spreadsheet data in Host machine to python code in Ubuntu, i.e., Virtual machine, I tried to check my network adapters in my system(Windows 10) and the error is as follows.

I couldn’t figure out the issue and I need help and support quick. I would like to paste few more screenshots of the relating topics here to provide further more possible clarity.

The Virtual Box settings:-

I have gone through the net to see how I can check the Network Adapters of my system and came to know that I can check it from Device Manager.
Here is a screenshot of that as well and I hope this helps you to find the fix:-

I also did use the ‘ifconfig’ command on the ubuntu terminal. Here is the result:-

And here is the response of the cmd in host if I ping the IP Adress:-

I’m pasting as many related screenshots as I can because I think the problem could be with my system connections. Please help me with this problem as I have to complete the project ASAP.

Hoping for a reply eagerly!!!

@jpravachan777 Try running the command prompt as an administrator.

I don’t think I understood what you’ve said. Clearly I would need guidance to “run the command prompt as an administrator” and even understand what you have said. Please could you help me out ASAP as I want to complete this project by today.

I think it will be better to reply within 2 days unlike last time.

@jpravachan777 Here are the steps to run the command prompt as an administrator:

To start a command prompt as an administrator (alternative method)

  1. Click the Start menu.
  2. Type cmd , right-click the Command Prompt tile, and then click Run as administrator .

Attaching a link for the same as well:

Thank you for the guidance @ashwin.salgaocar, I am now able to run cmd as administrator

Hello @ashwin.salgaocar ,

I had to go through the internet to know that the scp commands can be done in WINDOWS with the help of PUTTY which was not mentioned in the course for unknow reasons, leading to almost 2 days of delay for me. But anyway, at the end, I am again facing with another problem. Please look through and give a detailed solution as to why this might have happened and how to fix it…!

@jpravachan777 I’ll share a solution by today Eod. Until then, download WinSCP from here:
This can be used to transfer files similar to the SCP command.

I found some solutions through the net since it was getting late and used Putty anyway.

Great @jpravachan777 You could share the solutions here as well in order to help out others who may face similar issues.

sir how to solve this error?

@suswagh28 Please use the Sudo command before SCP to remove the permission denied issue. Your command should be similar to as shown below

sudo scp /path/to/source/file destinationuser@destinationhost:/path/to/destination/

Do let me know if you are still stuck.

sir When I added sudo at the starting… It’s giving me error.
I’ve checked on google that while working on CMD there is no such thing as sudo.The closest alternative for sudo is Running the CMD as Administrator.And I Did that as well but still shows permission denied

Just go in Ubuntu Desktop - Settings and in the Network window…
You can see Promiscuous Mode = Deny…
Change that Deny Status to Allow VM.

Oh. I thought you are using Ubuntu OS. Let me know if you have found solution or you are still facing the issue?

Is this the solution for your issue?

No no… I just wanted to answer the query in the forum for that 4 marks

still facing the same issue sir