Question about integromat

I couldn’t understand the concept of the integromat properly. Plz help me a bit to make it out.

@rishidutta795 see the main purpose of integromat is to clung the two different app’s together… Like if you want to just use your voice command interact with other apps like Facebook, Twitter or any kind of the app then u just use the API block of the voiceflow and connect the End URL of integromat with the Voicelfow’s API block with “POST” method so that now u can interact with other apps…

it means how we record audio in whatsapp or telegram and send such like that?

@rishidutta795 bro record doesn’t make any sense , Just think that we have a voice interface that’s it .
By integromat we can pass the command to other apps so that the other apps take any action accordance with your voice command.Like example- if you want to make a post on twitter just by one voice command i.e., “Hey google please twitt(whatever you want ,may be a quote or a joke) it to my twitter account” then voiceflow simply give a “POST” command to the twitter through integromat and then it get posted directly without going to the twitter command

have you finished the course bro?

@rishidutta795 yes till the integromat

after finishing till integromat can we appear for exam?

@devkip8112 Yes. You can answer the certification test after finishing the 1st 3 modules.