Weather App Error

Hey @ashwin.salgaocar sir, can you please help me out here? I am not getting output after entering the name of the city. I hope you will help me. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Yes, even I am facing the same issue. It is working fine on voice-flow prototype tab and on my mobile on google assistant. There is problem when doing it on google actions simulator. It is not taking our reply or it is taking our reply but not giving the correct required output. I think because of the updates on google actions simulator we are not getting the option “See how it works on google assistant” which we used to get earlier on dialogflow. @ashwin.salgaocar sir can you please suggest a solution. Thank you.


@ashwin.salgaocar Sir, can you please look into this and help me out as soon as possible?


Hi All, I was not able to replicate this issue on my side. Hence I have asked the Voiceflow team to look into this issue. Will update here once they reply with a proper fix for this.

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same problem :frowning_face:

Hi all,

Apologies for the delay. The Voiceflow team has not yet found a fix for this problem. Since it is the holiday season for their team, they will be back in office on 4th Jan 2021, and will continue debugging this issue.

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same problem now also sir @ashwin.salgaocar sir…