Weather App - Problem with Google Assistant on mobile

I finished my weather app and it worked absolutely fine in the Google Action Stimulator.
But, when I tried it on my mobile, the weather app launched, asked for the city, but exited(left the conversation) before displaying the weather details of the city I asked for! Instead google just showed me the search result of that city. Please help me resolve this issue!

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@nehaannvinu.22cs check the utterance, may be ur utterance is different

I’ve even typed the city’s name and checked. Still, the same problem persists.

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@nehaannvinu.22cs Could you render the circuit

@nehaannvinu.22cs could u please show me the utterance?

Sorry sir, I didn’t get what you asked

Is this what you asked for ?

@nehaannvinu.22cs don’t worry, u have did the right steps, indeed the problem is with the google assistant… It’s not working for all I think… So let the voiceflow team to fix it

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@ashwin.salgaocar all works fine sir, just google assistant is not working correctly please consider and fix it ASAP

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Okay sir ! Thank you for your responses.

@nehaannvinu.22cs m not ur sir yar :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:, literally m not a mentor, m just like this folks having this course, don’t call me sir… Other then this u could call anything even a anonymous freak guy as well, :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Better set a random intent than some standard intent. Weather itself is an app. So ideally the google assistant will launch the deployed app rather than an testing app.

I am also having the same problem can you help us sir?

same here don’t know looks like google now has taken high weed or something like that

Same problem here. Please help ASAP.

Same problem. It is working well on action simulator on laptop but while testing on google assistant on phone it’s show only test version#which city you want to know the weather>mumbai>output was search result of google… It’s not working on assistant… Please fix it…

Same Issue. Please help so that we can fix it ASAP.

@ashwin.salgaocar sir please help us out with this problem occurring with weather application

@ashwin.salgaocar Please reply soon.

Hi All,

This has been an ongoing issue. The reason is, Voiceflow is soon going to decommission the Capture block. I have been in talks with their team to get a resolution for the same. I expect to get the resolution by this weekend. We are currently working on it at the moment.