Regarding Exam and New topics

You have already answered at “Regarding certification exam” that the new content won’t be included in the exam if you take it before 30th October my query is just that from which part the new content begins does it begins from the “Introduction to the Linux Operating System​” in that case can I after completing “My-to-do tasks App” can I appear for the exam?

Thanks for the brilliant course.

Correct. The new content that was added starts from Introduction to the Linux Operating System. You can answer the test if you have completed till then.

Sir, I Have completed the projects required for exams and i am about to give the exam but doubt is that it shows to create login id . It has start and resume . so can you explain those steps after login Resume Screenshot 2021-05-28 153612 through any video. plz explain this resume part.

Also, need to know that after completing all topics , I can give the exam any time ?

@waqarmoosa15 You have to go ahead with start and then add your email ID and set a password. It is step 2 in this lesson:

Also, you cannot resume the exam once you have started it. It has been mentioned in the ** Important points about the certification test**:

Sir we can give exam on any day?

@waqarmoosa15 Correct. Provided, you have not answered it before.

Sir, which are the projects that will be present for the certification exam?

Hi @sammesquita1604,

Eveything that is present in the voice app training will be there in certification exam.

But sir in some of the video lectures it is said that certain projects are removed due to some issues in the apps shown in the training.